Fiji Airways Outspends Tourism Fiji in $70 Million Marketing Blitz

Fiji Airways announced that it invested over $70 million in marketing Fiji in 2023, surpassing the spending of Tourism Fiji, according to its annual report submitted to Parliament on Friday. The airline’s total sales and marketing expenses for the year reached $210 million, marking a 75 percent increase compared to the previous year.

The company emphasized its commitment to promoting Destination Fiji, stating, “Fiji Airways spends around FJ$70m annually promoting Destination Fiji. This investment surpasses that of Tourism Fiji and reflects our deep commitment to showcasing the wonders of our islands.”

Fiji Airways highlighted its vital role in the national economy, pointing out that each ticket sold to international travelers contributes foreign currency inflow, thereby supporting economic growth. The airline has a dedicated Brand and Marketing department that focuses on both promoting its own brand and marketing Fiji on a global scale.

The airline also expressed its belief in the unifying power of sports, which helps to connect people and create shared experiences around the world. It noted that its sponsorships are strategically chosen to resonate with audiences that align with its brand profile, aiming to effectively engage potential customers.

In 2023, the airline’s website saw an increase in users, reaching a total of 10 million, a rise of 51.5 percent from the previous year.

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