Training during the festive season presents unique challenges, a sentiment echoed by Sefanaia Vuli, captain of the Lavidi Brothers rugby team. As the team gears up for the McDonald’s Fiji Coral Coast 7s, scheduled to take place from January 16-18 at Lawaqa Park in Sigatoka, Vuli reflected on the difficulties in maintaining training consistency during this time of year.
He noted that many players missed training opportunities last week as they traveled to their villages to celebrate Christmas and New Year. “It’s always hard to keep up with training this time of the year because of family functions, feasting, and drinking kava,” Vuli explained. However, he expressed gratitude that most team members managed to participate in their training sessions at the Sigatoka sand dunes.
Having previously played in the national sevens squad and after a brief period with the Kaiviti Silktails, Vuli is aspiring to return to the national team. He emphasized the team’s commitment to maintaining fitness and consistency, especially since the Coral Coast 7s is regarded as one of the most competitive sevens tournaments in Fiji.
With former captain George Bose now representing the national side, Vuli hopes that others from their team will step up and showcase their talents in Sigatoka. His primary goal for the year is to rejoin the sevens squad, and he is prepared to answer the call if an opportunity arises.
In addition to Vuli, the Lavidi Brothers team includes national sevens squad members Iosefo Namoce and Livai Ikanikoda. Recently, the Lavidi Brothers also achieved considerable success, finishing as runners-up in the 31st R.C. Manubhai Nataleira 7s at Ratu Cakobau Park, Nausori last month.
This determination and focus among the Lavidi Brothers is an optimistic sign as they head into the Coral Coast 7s. The team’s commitment to training, despite seasonal distractions, reflects their resilience and passion for the sport, and they aim to make a significant impact in the upcoming tournament.
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