Training during the festive season poses unique challenges for athletes, as highlighted by Sefanaia Vuli, the captain of the Lavidi Brothers rugby team, while preparing for the upcoming McDonald’s Fiji Coral Coast 7s tournament. Scheduled to take place from January 16 to 18 at Lawaqa Park in Sigatoka, the Lavidi Brothers are among the 16 teams competing in the men’s division.
Vuli noted that the holiday season affected their preparation. Many team members were unable to train last week due to family commitments and celebrations, including traveling to their villages for Christmas and New Year festivities. Vuli explained, “It’s always hard to keep up with training this time of the year because of family functions, feasting, and drinking kava.” Despite these challenges, he was pleased that most of the team managed to attend training sessions at the Sigatoka sand dunes.
With an eye on returning to the national sevens squad, Vuli, a former member of the team, is focused on improving his fitness and performance. He expressed pride in their preparation, stating that consistency is key, particularly as the Coral Coast 7s is recognized as one of the toughest tournaments in Fiji. Additionally, he hopes that more of his teammates can follow in the footsteps of former captain George Bose, who has moved on to the national side.
Vuli is motivated and ready for any opportunity to rejoin the national squad. He is joined by fellow national sevens team members Iosefo Namoce and Livai Ikanikoda in striving for success at the Coral Coast 7s. The Lavidi Brothers previously showcased their talent and determination by finishing as runners-up at the recent R.C Manubhai Nataleira 7s tournament in Nausori.
This story reflects the dedication of athletes who navigate personal and professional challenges to compete at a high level. With their spirit of determination, the Lavidi Brothers aim for a strong showing in Sigatoka and aspire to elevate their game further in the future.
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