Fear and Stigma: The Hidden Struggle to Report Abuse in Fiji

Many individuals are hesitant to report serious issues such as domestic violence and drug-related incidents to the appropriate authorities. Vani Catanasiga, the executive director of the Fiji Council of Social Services (FCOSS), explained that this reluctance is largely driven by a fear of stigma and the potential social consequences that may follow.

Catanasiga noted that some survivors avoid specific locations or events, believing that local authorities may not be supportive. This challenge is not limited to local communities but extends to national levels as well. In some instances, communities prefer to manage certain issues independently rather than involving authorities.

To tackle the problem of unreported cases, FCOSS has established a community feedback hub. This platform allows individuals to report concerns online or through messaging services like Viber and Messenger, which the organization then seeks to address.

Catanasiga mentioned that many of the concerns submitted through the community feedback hub relate to the services provided by specific authorities. She also indicated that the public has requested that access to certain authorities be restricted to protect the safety of those making reports. This matter has been discussed with senior officials within the relevant authorities.

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