Farming Fresh: The Drive for Sustainable Tourism Takes Shape

The recently concluded Farm to Fork Initiative Workshop was deemed a significant success, leaving attendees with a strong sense of achievement. Participants played a vital role in shaping plans intended to be formalized into law, aimed at fostering sustainable tourism by uniting the fishing and agricultural sectors.

The day commenced with an enlightening tour of the Namale Resort farm, renowned for cultivating root vegetables and seasonal greens for its resorts in Wasawasa and Namale. This visit showcased the resort’s commitment to sustainability, as it, like many luxury hotels, grows its own produce to cater to guest preferences.

Farmers, fishermen, and resource owners present at the workshop gained valuable insights into the necessity for closer collaboration among various government ministries. They recognized the importance of establishing targeted connections to bridge the gap between the hospitality sector and agriculture and fishing industries. This synergy is essential for the continued growth and advancement of tourism in the Northern region.

A highlight of the event was the participation of renowned chef Lance Seeto, a member of the Farm to Fork Initiative steering committee. Chef Seeto provided attendees with an unforgettable culinary experience, demonstrating how to prepare a special dish utilizing fresh, locally sourced fish and vegetables.

The workshop underscored the importance of developing a cohesive strategy that aligns the interests of all stakeholders, prioritizing sustainable tourist growth. The initiative aims to benefit local businesses and communities while enhancing the overall visitor experience through stronger relationships and the advocacy of locally sourced food.

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