Ratu Baleidreima, a 53-year-old resident of Nadi, is determined to construct a safer home resilient against future flooding. Recently, he, along with his wife and five children, was evacuated from their residence when floodwaters inundated their living space. The family is currently taking refuge at Andrews Primary School in Nadi.
In 2019, Mr. Baleidreima acquired land in Nawaijikuma Settlement, which is known to be susceptible to floods, and erected a temporary home for his family. As a security guard, he has consistently faced the challenges posed by frequent evacuations during flooding events.
With aspirations of building a sturdy house elevated from the ground, Mr. Baleidreima expressed that limited financial resources hindered his plans, as he prioritizes his children’s education. His eldest child attends the Nadi Special School, while his second child is set to enter high school next year, with three others still in primary education.
Describing a recent incident, Mr. Baleidreima recounted how, on Christmas Day, just as the family was about to have lunch, water began to flow into their home. They quickly notified the police, gathered essential items, and were transported to safety.
As they wait for the floodwaters to recede, he plans to return home and clean up the aftermath.
This story highlights the resilience and determination of families affected by natural disasters. Mr. Baleidreima’s commitment to providing for his children’s education and creating a better living environment is an inspiring testament to human strength in the face of adversity. Supporting families like his can foster hope for rebuilding efforts in flood-prone areas.
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