A devastating fire engulfed a family’s home in Vunivau, Labasa, last Friday night, resulting in the total loss of their property valued at approximately $200,000. The house, which the family had spent 45 years building, was caught in flames while Prasheel Naicker, 27, was away in Labasa Town.
At the time of the incident, Naicker’s father, grandmother, and uncle were inside the home, alongside some relatives who were visiting for an evening gathering. It was two passersby who first alerted the family that flames were spreading from their prayer room toward the roof. Naicker expressed frustration over the delay in the National Fire Authority’s response, stating that if they had arrived sooner, some belongings might have been saved.
The fire incident follows another destructive blaze in the Northern Division, where a four-bedroom house in Waiqele was completely destroyed on New Year’s Day. Homeowners Shalenee Devi and Nileshwar Prasad were away in New Zealand during the fire and learned of the tragedy through relatives. Their caretaker was also absent, which complicated the situation. Thanks to a neighbor’s quick action in notifying the NFA, it is believed that the extent of damages could have been even more severe.
Regrettably, the Waiqele fire resulted in estimated damages of around $250,000, including the loss of two vehicles and damage to two others. The couple suspects arson, citing a series of prior threats and attempted break-ins near their local shop. This sentiment of vigilance and the need for improved fire safety measures resonated in both incidents, highlighting the community’s concerns regarding fire response capabilities.
Acting Divisional Police Commander North, Superintendent Eroni Soqosoqo, confirmed that investigations into both incidents are underway, and the NFA is assessing the challenges that hinder effective firefighting efforts, such as the lack of fire hydrants and adequate water sources in rural areas.
This tragic situation emphasizes the critical need for community preparedness and proactive measures in fire safety. As both families navigate these challenges, the community support and ongoing investigations bring hope for accountability and improved safety measures in the future. The resilience demonstrated by those affected highlights the enduring spirit of support and collaboration in the face of adversity.
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