A family in Vunivau, Labasa, suffered a devastating loss over the weekend when a fire completely destroyed their home, valued at approximately $200,000 and built over 45 years. The incident occurred last Friday night while Prasheel Naicker, aged 27, was in Labasa Town visiting relatives. His father, grandmother, and uncle were at home during the fire, which reportedly began in the family’s prayer room and quickly spread to the roof.
Two passersby noticed the flames first and alerted the family, prompting Naicker to attempt to contact the National Fire Authority (NFA). Despite making multiple phone calls and personally visiting the local fire station to encourage a swift response, the firefighters arrived too late to save the house or any belongings, leaving the family with nothing. They are currently staying with relatives as they cope with their loss.
This unfortunate event marks the second major house fire in the Northern Division within just two weeks. The previous incident took place on New Year’s Day in Waiqele, Labasa, where another family’s home was fully destroyed while they were away, resulting in damages estimated at around $250,000. Both fires have raised serious concerns about fire safety and the effectiveness of emergency response capabilities in rural areas.
Acting Divisional Police Commander for the North, Superintendent Eroni Soqosoqo, stated that investigations into both incidents are ongoing. Discussions around improving fire safety measures and community preparedness have gained traction as local authorities seek to address the challenges faced by emergency responders, such as limited resources in rural regions.
Despite the profound losses experienced by the Naicker family and others affected, there remains a sense of hope for meaningful changes in fire safety protocols. The resilience and support from the community serve as reminders of the strength found in unity during such difficult times. As the affected families navigate their hardships, the collective determination to improve safety standards may lead to enhanced fire response infrastructure in the future, ultimately fostering a safer environment for all residents.
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