Family First: Tackling Stigma in the Fight Against HIV/AIDS

The Rev. Simione Tugi, General Secretary of the Fiji Council of Churches, has emphasized the crucial role families play in combatting HIV/AIDS. He urged the public to visit medical centers for testing, highlighting that stigma surrounding HIV is a significant barrier to early testing in Fiji. Tugi noted that this stigma often prevents individuals from seeking help due to societal attitudes, leading some to feel uncomfortable in places like churches and hospitals.

He called for a shift away from traditional mindsets that ostracize those affected. Tugi stated, “We need to have acceptance in the community; we are all human beings, loved by God, and we only have each other.” He stressed the need to care for the vulnerable within society, asserting that neglecting them is not the Christian way.

Tugi urged the public to prioritize their health, with a strong message that it is a matter of life and death: “Get tested.” He also highlighted the importance of family time, asserting that the future of Fijian society hinges on strong family bonds. He cited scripture, indicating that when families break down, societal decay follows.

In today’s world, he added, couples and children often lead separate lives, which can leave children seeking validation outside of the family unit, sometimes from peers who might not provide sound guidance. Tugi advocated for a collaborative approach to these challenges, insisting that no one can navigate these issues alone.

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