Faith Leaders Unite Against Suicide: A Call to Action in Fiji

Faith-based organizations are crucial in tackling suicide and mental health challenges in Fiji, as highlighted by Opposition MP Penioni Ravunawa during a parliamentary session. Mr. Ravunawa emphasized the need for religious groups to be actively involved in the country’s strategies to reduce increasing suicide rates.

He discussed the upcoming Suicide Prevention 2024 initiative from the Ministry of Health, set to launch next Tuesday, and remarked on the initiative’s theme, “Change the Narrative,” stating that it is not only fitting but essential for the collective struggle against suicide.

“The faith-based organizations in Fiji have the largest reach within our local communities,” he noted. He pointed out that government support for these institutions is vital, stating, “They need better resources and capacity building.” He urged that these organizations should not merely serve as a formality in consultations but should be recognized as a practical asset in addressing various local social issues.

Mr. Ravunawa referenced scriptures to underline the significance of life, quoting Deuteronomy 30:19, which encourages choosing life for the sake of oneself and future generations. He also mentioned Galatians 6:2, which urges individuals to share each other’s burdens.

He concluded by encouraging all Fijians to foster environments where those grappling with suicidal thoughts can discover hope, comfort, and essential support. “We can be confident that our dedication to these initiatives will yield success,” he asserted. September is acknowledged as National Suicide Prevention Month.

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