Faith Groups Unite for Suicide Prevention in Fiji: A Call to Action

Faith-based organizations are crucial in tackling suicide and mental health challenges in Fiji, according to Opposition MP Penioni Ravunawa. Speaking in Parliament, Mr. Ravunawa highlighted the need for these religious groups to be involved in national efforts to address the increasing rates of suicide.

He noted that these organizations can play a significant role in fostering a compassionate approach for individuals in distress, particularly in relation to the Ministry of Health’s upcoming Suicide Prevention 2024 initiative, which is set to launch next Tuesday. Mr. Ravunawa praised the initiative’s theme, “Change the Narrative,” deeming it not only appropriate but vital for the collective battle against suicide.

He emphasized the extensive reach of faith-based organizations within local communities and pointed out the necessity for increased government support. Mr. Ravunawa expressed that these organizations should not simply be used as formalities in consultations but rather regarded as essential assets in addressing various social challenges.

Citing biblical references, he stressed the intrinsic value of life, quoting from Deuteronomy 30:19: “Now choose life, so that you and your children may live,” and Galatians 6:2, which encourages individuals to “bear one another’s burdens.” He noted that these scriptures highlight the importance of preserving life and offering support to those facing life’s pressures.

In conclusion, Mr. Ravunawa urged all Fijians to foster environments where those struggling with suicidal thoughts can find hope, comfort, and crucial assistance. He expressed confidence that the commitment to such initiatives would yield success. September is recognized as National Suicide Prevention Month.

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