Faith-Based Solutions: A Spiritual Response to Fiji’s Suicide Crisis?

Faith-based organizations are crucial in tackling suicide and mental health issues in Fiji, according to Opposition Member of Parliament Penioni Ravunawa. While speaking in Parliament, Mr. Ravunawa emphasized the need to engage religious groups in the nation’s strategy to address the rising suicide rates.

He noted that these organizations could play a significant role in fostering a compassionate approach towards individuals facing mental distress while discussing the upcoming Suicide Prevention 2024 initiative led by the Ministry of Health, set to be launched next Tuesday.

Mr. Ravunawa commended the initiative’s theme, “Change the Narrative,” stating it is not only fitting but also essential to the collective battle against suicide. He remarked, “The faith-based organizations in Fiji have the largest reach within our local communities.”

Highlighting the vital role of religious institutions, Mr. Ravunawa called for enhanced government support. He stated, “They need to be better supported by the government in terms of resources and capacity building,” and added that these organizations should not merely serve as a formality in discussions but should be regarded as vital assets in addressing various pressing social issues in the community.

Referencing scripture, he underscored the importance of valuing life, quoting Deuteronomy 30:19: “Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.” He also mentioned Galatians 6:2, which encourages individuals to “bear one another’s burdens.”

He stated, “Both scriptures highlight the necessity of preserving life and offering support to those struggling with life’s challenges.” In conclusion, he urged all Fijians to “create environments where those experiencing suicidal thoughts can seek hope, solace, and, crucially, assistance.”

Mr. Ravunawa expressed optimism, saying, “We can be confident that our dedication to these initiatives will lead to success.” September is recognized as National Suicide Prevention Month.

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