On Christmas Eve, Jese Saukuru, the Minister for Youth and Sports, took the initiative to visit various villages in Vanua Levu, distributing grants under the Income Generating Project (IGP) aimed at empowering the youth. During his trip, he met with the Nailou Youth Club in Nailou Village, where he presented them with a $5,000 grant for beekeeping equipment. The group received essential items such as double honey boxes with bees and honey farming tools, emphasizing the ministry’s focus on sustainable livelihoods.
Moreover, Mr. Saukuru handed over sports equipment, including gear for volleyball, netball, and rugby, promoting both sports engagement and youth development within the community. He highlighted the importance of supporting young people in even the most remote regions of Fiji, showcasing the ministry’s commitment to ensuring that no one is left behind.
The minister’s journey required a 30-minute boat trip, underscoring the challenges faced by rural communities in accessing necessary resources. Additionally, he visited the Sawani Youth Club in Sawani Village, where he delivered a solar-powered freezer to aid in sustainable income generation and provided further sports equipment.
Mr. Saukuru also engaged with Anasa Kaitoa, a young farmer from Naruwai Village, who received an IGP grant to improve his farming operations. The grant will supply him with essential tools and equipment to enhance his agricultural productivity and support his livelihood, contributing to the local community’s food supply.
This visit and the resources provided illustrate the ministry’s dedication to uplifting and supporting Fiji’s youth, particularly in rural areas. It reflects a broader commitment to building resilient communities through sustainable development and youth empowerment initiatives.
The proactive measures taken by the Ministry of Youth and Sports pave the way for a brighter future for young Fijians, equipping them with the necessary tools and resources to not only survive but thrive. By focusing on youth engagement and sustainable practices, the initiative lays a foundation for lasting community growth and development.
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