Empowering Women Through Community Support: A Transformation in Noco

Women in Naqarani, Rewa are making significant progress with their cooperative initiatives, showcasing their determination and efforts in various projects. Adi Asilika Lalawa, the leader of the women’s association, highlighted the importance of their work, noting that while the group had been established for some time, it lacked the necessary support to thrive compared to others.

The members have actively participated in the Women Expo in previous years, where they learned valuable skills and knowledge. This year, they have renewed their focus on building their cooperative efforts, with about 30 women in the community involved, although participation in support organizations remains limited.

Every Monday, the group gathers to engage in their handicrafts, and they consistently provide around 50 mats to support their cooperative initiatives. Many women face challenges due to various social beliefs that hinder progress. However, they are currently committed to overcoming these notions and advancing their business mindset.

Recently, they received initial support from the Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA), which they gratefully acknowledged. ADRA visited the Noco area a few weeks ago to assess resources and provided assistance to help with production and supplies. The organization’s support has positively impacted their operations, and they have reported significant improvements over the past few months.

ADRA’s contributions include various agricultural supplies, including seedlings, farm tools, and food production materials. Currently, the group is working diligently to maintain their successes and improve their community’s living conditions and farming practices.

A piece of land near their community hall is being utilized for further development purposes, with plans in place to enhance their cooperative’s contributions and address specific needs, such as better resources for their community stores.

While not all women may be fully engaged, those actively participating are witnessing the benefits of their dedication, with indications of future support that will strengthen their collective efforts. They seek guidance on creating a robust cooperative to foster knowledge sharing among women, enhancing their skills and community connections.

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