Empowering Women Through Art: The Rising Naboumasi-masi Pottery Club

Women from the village of Lawai are actively engaged in pottery, turning their skills into a source of income. Many are seeking to improve their craftsmanship and make good use of the land surrounding them to cultivate crops for additional financial support.

The women’s group, named the ‘Naboumasi-masi Pottery Club’, is led by Makelesi Adivugalei. She highlighted that in the past, women were limited to working outdoors and had no secure place to gather.

Established in Lawai during 1979, this women’s group focuses on pottery-making. A resident of Tailevu who is also married to someone from Lawai has been instrumental in building a home for the women to gather and work together.

Recently, the women have started selling their crafts to local hotels in the nearby Sigatoka area. They initially operated from a small shed but now have a larger workspace to create their products and showcase their pottery skills to visiting tourists.

Currently, the group has 22 active members. Among them, five women are in their 70s, highlighting the community’s longstanding tradition of pottery, which is well-known in the region.

Makelesi stated that they primarily use local clay for their work, especially the clay located near their village.

The women not only create traditional pottery but also craft items like wall hangings and decorations using various materials.

This initiative aims to enhance their skills and provide a solid economic foundation for their families and communities. They often participate in exhibitions at local hotels to promote their creations and gain recognition for their craftsmanship.

Makelesi emphasized the importance of continuing these traditional crafts, as they can empower the women and preserve their heritage.

She encourages the younger generation to learn these skills to secure their financial futures. The women have shown remarkable resilience and creativity, bringing benefits to their households and communities through their pottery business.

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