Empowering Women in Politics: The Urgent Call for Online Safety Investments

The government must enhance funding for the Online Safety Commission to foster female participation in local government elections, according to John Apted, a litigation partner at Munroe Ley Lawyers. He presented these concerns during the event ‘Breaking Barriers: Increasing Female Participation in Local Government Elections in Fiji,’ held at Tanoa Plaza on Tuesday evening.

Apted pointed out that social media represents a significant barrier for women in politics. He noted, “The media is much less powerful now than it used to be; the reality is that the action is all on social media.” He criticized Fijian social media for being particularly harsh, citing its cruel and sexist nature that often targets women and the LGBTQ+ community.

He mentioned popular platforms such as Chat Fiji, where personal and intimate photos can be shared without consent, posing a severe deterrent for women considering a political career. Despite existing legislation aimed at accountability, Apted emphasized a lack of government investment in enforcement and support for these laws.

He urged the government to allocate funds and resources towards online safety initiatives that could include budget provisions, personnel, and public awareness campaigns. “This area requires urgent attention if we want women to feel empowered to enter the public realm,” he stated. Finally, he encouraged women to voice their concerns to the government, advocating for investment in online safety to help create a more supportive environment for their political participation.

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