Empowering Women in Politics: The Urgent Call for Online Safety Investment

The government must prioritize investment in the Online Safety Commission, according to John Apted, a litigation partner at Munroe Ley Lawyers. He made this statement during the presentation of “Breaking Barriers: Increasing Female Participation in Local Government Elections in Fiji” at Tanoa Plaza on Tuesday evening.

Mr. Apted highlighted that social media poses significant challenges for women aspiring to enter politics. He noted that while traditional media has diminished in power, social media has become the focal point for public discourse. He described Fiji’s social media landscape as particularly cruel and destructive, particularly to women and members of the LGBTQ+ community who often face vilification.

He pointed out the dangers of platforms like Chat Fiji, where personal and intimate photographs are frequently shared without consent. Such invasions of privacy serve as major deterrents for women seeking to enter public life.

Despite existing legislation aimed at holding perpetrators accountable, Mr. Apted criticized the lack of government investment to enforce these laws effectively. He emphasized the need for a dedicated budget and resources for online safety initiatives, as well as increased public awareness.

Mr. Apted urged women to voice their concerns to the government and advocate for funding in this area, noting that such actions would empower more women to engage in public forums.

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