Empowering Women: A Transformative Journey in Rewa

Women are increasingly recognizing their potential through various initiatives. This message is being highlighted by the president of the Rewa Women’s Association in Naqarani, Adi Asilika Lalawa.

The women’s association has been active for a long time, although it has not always consistently flourished. Participation in the Women Expo in previous years has provided significant learning opportunities, and this year, the association is being revitalized.

Currently, there are approximately 30 women involved within the community, yet only a few are making considerable contributions to the association. Every Monday, they gather to work on various craft projects. Additionally, they receive 50 sacks of assistance to support their organization.

Many women still face challenges due to societal attitudes and some negative perceptions. However, they are making great efforts to overcome these stereotypes and are determined to move forward with a business mindset.


The Adventist Development Relief Agency (ADRA) has stepped in to offer initial support, and the association expresses gratitude for their contributions.

Recently, a few weeks ago, ADRA visited Noco, responding to requests from residents for assistance with work materials and resources.

It has been indicated that they have made considerable progress over the past few months, now focusing on maintaining their supplies and tackling their needs.

ADRA’s contributions include a variety of food supplies such as vegetables, fruits, and other staples. Currently, the women are working diligently to ensure the success of their initiatives.

The main objective of providing these food supplies is to help improve the standards of living in their community by enhancing their homes and local stores.

A section of land located near their community house is being utilized for cultivation. The group aims to enhance their gardening and other necessary supplies to support their growth.

While not all women may be equally involved, those who are actively participating are showing remarkable dedication to their undertakings, especially as there is now increasing support for their women’s association.

Recently, they have started cultivating greenhouses and have also acquired various work materials and seeds needed for their projects.

ADRA’s engagement is fostering significant improvements in the association, leading to the expansion of their initiatives as they prepare to revive their community store, which had been inactive for an extended period.

Additionally, training is being provided by ADRA, focusing on various techniques related to agriculture, which will enhance their knowledge and skills.

Challenges persist for many women who do not fully engage in the efforts being made, but they are patient as they begin to see positive changes within the association.

Women are encouraged to participate in this movement as it has proven to be a beneficial platform for learning about various issues they were previously unaware of, promoting collaboration and mutual support among themselves.

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