Empowering Women: A Call for Online Safety Investment in Fiji

John Apted, a litigation partner at Munroe Ley Lawyers, emphasized the need for increased government investment in the Online Safety Commission during his presentation on “Breaking Barriers: Increasing Female Participation in Local Government Elections in Fiji” at Tanoa Plaza on Tuesday night. He pointed out that social media serves as a significant barrier to women’s participation in politics.

Apted noted that traditional media has lost its influence, with social media becoming the dominant platform for discourse. He described Fiji’s social media landscape as particularly harsh, often targeting women and LGBTQ+ individuals with cruelty and negativity. He highlighted issues arising from platforms like Chat Fiji, where personal and intimate photos can be shared without consent, creating an environment that discourages women from entering public life.

Despite existing legislation aimed at holding offenders accountable, Apted criticized the lack of government investment to enforce these laws effectively. He called for increased budget allocations, personnel, and public awareness initiatives to enhance online safety. He urged women to voice their concerns to the government and advocate for necessary investments, which he believes would empower them to engage more fully in the political arena.

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