The Vanua of Naivirourou, also known as Vuci Village in Tokatoka Tailevu, has created a strategic plan for the years 2024 to 2028 aimed at building resilience and strengthening its traditional leadership to foster empowerment and prosperity within the community.
Joji Butadroka, the Secretary and a Board Member, highlighted the significance of adopting a bottom-up approach to development, which aligns with the government’s initiatives to decentralize decision-making processes. He noted that the village’s first strategic plan served as a valuable learning experience, helping the community navigate challenges such as natural disasters, including cyclones and floods, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The five-year strategic plan aims to reassess traditional leadership structures to ensure they are centered around the people. It focuses on cultivating a community that is empowered, compassionate, and visionary.
Tui Vuci, Ratu George Kavoronavatu Bakosi, reinforced these ideas, emphasizing that the strategic plan places a strong emphasis on economic empowerment. Discussions with government officials have been aimed at identifying specific community needs, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively to address those needs.
Both Butadroka and Bakosi stressed the importance of promoting local initiatives and optimizing the use of natural resources to drive economic growth and pursue sustainable development in the Tailevu region.
In summary, Vuci Village’s strategic plan represents a proactive step towards community resilience and economic development, demonstrating a commitment to empowering local leadership and leveraging resources for a brighter future. This approach not only aims to address current challenges but also provides a hopeful outlook for community prosperity and sustainability.
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