The Vanua of Naivirourou, also known as Vuci Village in Tokatoka Tailevu, has developed a strategic plan for the years 2024 to 2028. This plan aims to enhance resilience within the community and its traditional leadership, promoting a path toward greater empowerment and prosperity.
Joji Butadroka, the Secretary and Board Member, highlighted the significance of adopting a bottom-up approach to development. This strategy is in line with the government’s recent initiatives aimed at decentralizing decision-making processes. He noted that the initial strategic plan served as a valuable learning experience for the Vanua, especially in addressing challenges posed by natural disasters like cyclones and floods, as well as the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.
The five-year plan is designed to reassess traditional leadership with a focus on creating a people-centric community that is empowered, compassionate, and forward-thinking. Tui Vuci, Ratu George Kavoronavatu Bakosi, echoed these sentiments, indicating that their strategic plan places a strong emphasis on economic empowerment.
Involving discussions with government representatives, the community has made it a priority to identify specific needs, ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and where they are most essential. Both Butadroka and Bakosi reiterated the importance of nurturing local initiatives and effectively utilizing natural resources as vital components for achieving economic growth and sustainable development in the Tailevu region.
This strategic planning effort marks a significant step towards a resilient future for Vuci Village, reflecting hope and determination within the community for sustained development and empowerment.
In summary, Vuci Village’s strategic plan serves as a proactive blueprint for economic development and resilience, reinforcing the value of community-driven initiatives and sustainable resource management for a brighter future.
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