Empowering Voices: Women’s Mock Parliament Sparks Change in Fiji

The 2024 Women’s Mock Parliament in Fiji showcased the ambitions, capabilities, and concerns of 55 participants who gathered from various regions, including Labasa, Koro, and Ovalau. The event concluded on a hopeful note, emphasizing the need for increased female representation in Parliament as essential for addressing the nation’s needs rather than merely altering statistics.

The gathering kicked off with a welcome gala dinner on July 28, where speeches from donor agencies highlighted the significance and extensive planning behind the event. This was an opportunity for participants to make initial impressions of each other, which would evolve over the course of the program.

The first two days included informational sessions designed to equip participants with parliamentary skills, knowledge of policy-making, and opportunities to apply their learning in preparation for their time in the Parliament Chamber. Although participants chose to align with either the Government or Opposition, the distribution of ministerial roles revealed underlying biases and established modes of operation.

The final day featured participants addressing motions on critical topics, including maternal healthcare funding in rural areas, environmental conservation benefits for women, and the enhancement of women’s representation in decision-making. The discussions underscored the diverse experiences among the participants regarding issues affecting women in Fiji.

Jacinta Renu from Labasa passionately spoke about the challenges faced by pregnant women who navigate hazardous conditions and lack facilities while traveling to town, highlighting the urgent need for better maternal healthcare access. Her heartfelt address resonated in the chamber and with a broader audience online, as all participants took turns sharing their insights and experiences.

The event fostered connections among participants, with many expressing a deeper understanding of each other’s stories and experiences, recognizing that issues affecting women are ultimately national challenges that require collective attention.

The significance of having more women in Parliament was a recurring theme, as emphasized by participants including Shivashni Dutt, who described the experience as empowering and transformative, motivating her to pursue a political career. Losana Derenalagi echoed this sentiment, advocating for increased female leadership across all decision-making platforms, emphasizing the importance of women’s contributions for national development.

Raniyah Muhammed shared her enriching experience, highlighting how the event deepened her understanding of governance and encouraged her pursuit of a political career. She stressed that women’s unique perspectives and collaborative approaches are vital for effective governance and fostering a more inclusive democracy in Fiji.

Overall, the Mock Parliament experience left participants inspired to advocate for the representation and rights of women in governance, emphasizing the necessity of diverse voices in shaping national policies and decisions.

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