Empowering Voices: The 2024 Women’s Mock Parliament Shaping Fiji’s Future

The 2024 Women’s Mock Parliament in Fiji concluded on a note of hope and enthusiasm, showcasing the genuine ambitions and concerns of the 55 women participating. Delegates came from various regions including Labasa, Koro, and Ovalau to take part in this significant event.

The call for increased female representation in Parliament transcends mere statistical equality; it aims to foster a legislative body that effectively meets the nation’s needs. The cohort’s first gathering took place during a welcome gala on Sunday, July 28, where speeches from donor agencies underscored the importance of the Mock Parliament and the extensive planning that went into organizing it.

The first two days were dedicated to informational sessions that equipped the participants with essential parliamentary skills and insights into policy-making. Although the participants were free to choose between government and opposition roles, the assignment of responsibilities revealed existing biases and working dynamics.

The third and final day allowed the participants to present and debate three significant motions aimed at improving maternal healthcare funding in rural areas, enhancing environmental conservation with a focus on women, and increasing women’s representation in decision-making roles.

Discussions during the sessions highlighted the diverse experiences women face in Fiji, particularly concerning maternal healthcare challenges. Jacinta Renu from Labasa addressed the hardships faced by pregnant women who must navigate poor infrastructure to access healthcare, catching the attention of influential attendees.

Throughout the Mock Parliament, participants built connections and shared personal experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of the issues at hand. The overall takeaway from the event was the necessity of understanding one another’s stories to recognize that what seem like women’s issues are in fact national issues affecting all.

Several participants shared their reflections on the experience:

Shivashni Dutt, a barrister from Labasa, expressed empowerment through the event, stating it intensified her determination to impact her country and pursue election candidacy. Losana Derenalagi from Nadi highlighted the importance of female leadership across all decision-making levels in the country, emphasizing that women must have a voice in shaping their nation’s future. Raniyah Muhammed from Suva found the experience rewarding, noting it enriched her understanding of governance and underscored the value women bring to leadership roles, advocating for a more inclusive democracy.

The 2024 Women’s Mock Parliament has been hailed as a crucial platform for empowering women and fostering future initiatives aimed at enhancing female political participation in Fiji.

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