Empowering Tailevu: Inspiring Success Story

Brush cutting business owner Vasenai Cagitabu has expressed her gratitude to South Pacific Business Development (SPBD) for the assistance it has provided to small business owners like herself.

Originally hailing from Sote Village in Verata, Tailevu, Cagitabu, a mother of three, now operates her business from Ovea Village in Bau, where she has also been appointed as the new SPBD Ovea Centre chief.

She highlighted that the support from SPBD has not only helped her fulfill her family’s needs but also meet village obligations.

“I have been with SPBD for four years,” Cagitabu shared. “We are so fortunate to benefit from such an organization as SPBD. I always encourage young mothers to join us, work together, and help improve their families’ livelihoods. Becoming members allows them to take advantage of the many benefits, especially those with children.”

The first loan she took was $1,000, which helped her start her business. In addition to running the brush cutting business, she sells crabs and fish at the Nausori Market on Saturdays and also sells sweets for children.

“We have many village obligations, but lack a steady income source. This business not only helps improve our family’s living standards but also supports our village commitments. It is particularly beneficial for my children and grandchildren’s education,” she noted.

Cagitabu elaborated that her business has significantly lifted her family’s living standards, allowing her to save money, purchase essential items like roofing iron, and other household goods such as a refrigerator and brush cutter.

The 47-year-old business owner believes that the opening of an SPBD branch in Nausori will further aid members by reducing logistical and expense burdens.

SPBD supports its members not just through loans but also by offering savings options and death benefits. “They charge us only $2 for keeping our savings and a membership fee of $120, part of which goes towards our death benefit. There are many benefits,” she said.

She added that SPBD also provides vouchers when members take out loans, enabling them to purchase household goods from stores like Courts and Home&Living.

Cagitabu advises micro, small, and medium enterprise (MSME) owners to remain honest and diligent in their business dealings for sustained success.

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