Empowering Fiji’s Youth: Tackling Challenges and Inspiring Change

The Yasayasa Moala Youth Festival and Government Roadshow took place in Yaroi Village on Matuku Island, marking the fourth event in this series, which will continue in Vunisea, Kadavu, in December 2023. This initiative is part of the Ministry of Youth and Sports FIJI’s youth and sports development program.

The three-day event included a government roadshow and an awareness campaign led by a team from the Fiji Police Force, targeting young people from the four islands: Tikina, Moala, Matuku, and Totoya, along with nearby Vanuavatu Island.

The festivals focus on promoting healthy lifestyles and advancing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) related to growth, employment, and decent work, while also taking a stand against drug abuse.

In his address to the youth and elders of Yasayasa Moala, Minister Saukuru highlighted that drug use, cultivation, production, and sales are significant issues for the nation. He expressed concern over rising teenage pregnancies and the plight of youths wandering the streets. He stressed the importance of community unity to combat violence against women and girls, noting that the rise in drug abuse is contributing to increased crime rates.

With over 70% of the population being young people, the Minister stressed their importance in society. He called for a realignment of strategies within his ministry to address present challenges, emphasizing the need for a digital approach to sustainable development, as today’s youth are part of the digital generation. He encouraged them to leverage their online skills positively.

Minister Saukuru also addressed the negative perceptions surrounding youth, asserting that they have the potential to contribute positively to the future of Fiji. He affirmed that such festivals aim to foster positive values among young people.

He reiterated the Ministry of Youth and Sports’ commitment to supporting and advancing youth welfare, advocating for their participation in sustainable agriculture and showcasing their talents in sports and cultural events. The minister noted a reported 59% decrease in drug use and cultivation on the island, attributed to the Kadavu Youth Festival.

The perspective of youth on sports has evolved due to the emphasis placed during the Vunisea festival, and he acknowledged that ongoing efforts are crucial to highlighting the beneficial and lasting impacts on young individuals.

The Minister urged the youth of Lau Province to prioritize their community’s welfare and to take responsibility for their roles as engaged citizens. He referred to recent data indicating that only two out of more than 100 Lau youths in Fiji’s prisons were from the islands.

He reinforced the message of returning to villages and actively participating in community development, as encouraged by the chair of the Lau Provincial Council. The Ministry of Youth and Sports has initiated various programs, including the review of youth development policies, the establishment of the National Youth Council of Fiji, and the launch of the Youth Education Sex App to educate young people on sexual reproductive health.

The strategy includes enhancing educational opportunities, addressing unemployment, and nurturing interests in technology, the arts, sports, business, and climate change, aimed at providing meaningful experiences for young people.

Minister Saukuru expressed gratitude to the three tikinas in Yasayasa Moala for their support. The festival and roadshow concluded on Friday, August 23.

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