On Christmas Eve, Jese Saukuru, the Minister for Youth and Sports, made a significant impact by visiting villages in Vanua Levu to distribute Income Generating Project (IGP) grants. Notably, he met with the Nailou Youth Club in Cakaudrove, where a group of 25 young members were awarded a $5,000 grant for equipment related to beekeeping. This package included four double honey boxes filled with bees, along with essential honey farming tools such as a smoker, hive tool, and safety gear.
Additionally, Mr. Saukuru presented sports equipment, including items for volley, netball, rugby, and beach volleyball, emphasizing the importance of youth development and community engagement through sports. He stated that the ministry is dedicated to empowering young people, even in remote areas of Fiji, and ensuring that resources supporting sustainable livelihoods and physical activities reach those in need.
To reach Nailou Village, Mr. Saukuru and his team traveled for thirty minutes by boat due to the lack of road access, demonstrating their commitment to the community. Following this, he visited the Sawani Youth Club in Sawani Village, where he provided a solar-powered freezer to assist with income generation activities, along with sports equipment aimed at encouraging youth participation in physical activities.
Mr. Saukuru’s outreach extended to Bua, where he connected with Anasa Kaitoa, a young farmer who benefited from the IGP grant to procure vital farming equipment like sprinklers and water tanks. Mr. Kaitoa’s resilience and dedication have allowed him to produce various crops, contributing significantly to his community.
Mr. Saukuru’s visits highlight the ministry’s ongoing commitment to enhancing rural development and support for young Fijians, aiming to create stronger, self-sufficient communities through development projects and youth engagement.
This positive effort not only uplifts individuals like Anasa Kaitoa but also serves as an inspiring example of how targeted support can lead to thriving communities. As these young people harness their skills and resources, they pave the way for future generations to follow, which fosters hope and resilience in rural Fiji.
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