Empowering Change: How Raiwaqa Youths Transformed the Hibiscus Festival

This year’s Hibiscus Festival was notable not just for its location and atmosphere but also for the impressive cleanliness of the Suva foreshore and seawall area, a result of efforts by the Raiwaqa Unem Association.

Earlier this week, Ratu Kiniviliame Narokete, a member of UNEM, shared insights into the motivation behind this group of empowered youth and their positive influence on the Raiwaqa community. At 56 years old, Ratu Kini, from Tavuki in Kadavu, leads the association and exemplifies that it is never too late to effect change and contribute positively.

“The association was initially formed by our elders in Raiwaqa and operated informally as a way for local youths to come together during school breaks for community service,” Ratu Kini explained. Over time, the group lost momentum, and many youths became involved in illegal activities.

However, Ratu Kini and a few others engaged in community service, cleaning streets and assisting the elderly with free cleaning services. After relocating to Tilak Lane, he expanded his outreach to include youths along Milverton Road. The association has since secured a bank account and received formal registration.

Most members are unemployed youths from challenging backgrounds. Ratu Kini emphasizes the importance of instilling faith and biblical teachings in these young people, aiming to show them their worth and the potential for change.

The association’s impact on the community was recognized when the Suva City Council offered them a stall at the Hibiscus grounds, entrusting them with waste management and cleanliness at this year’s event. A team of 20 youths worked diligently, splitting into two groups for eight-hour shifts.

“The response from businesses and the SCC has been wonderful. I’m proud of these kids; they always give their all,” Ratu Kini stated. “The spirit of teamwork and togetherness motivated us throughout the week. This platform is a stepping stone for greater accomplishments ahead for the Raiwaqa Unem Association.”

Looking to the future, Ratu Kini hopes the SCC will provide more opportunities for his group to demonstrate their capabilities, asserting that they can outperform professional contractors.

He expressed gratitude to their families and the community for their support, encouraging other youths who may feel lost that it is possible to change and achieve greatness by trusting in the Lord.

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