Elijah’s Miracle: A Fight Against Childhood Cancer

When Vakaloloma Sugu was pregnant with her third child three years ago, she noticed significant changes in her body compared to her previous pregnancies. It wasn’t until the birth of her son, Elijah Moraiah Raivalita, that her concerns were addressed by medical professionals.

“I had lumps all over my body, and my pregnant belly felt heavier than usual,” Ms. Sugu shared. “I was much weaker than during my earlier pregnancies.”

Despite her intuition that something was amiss, the doctors and nurses at her prenatal appointments reassured her that everything was normal. However, she faced a difficult delivery when doctors informed her that Elijah’s heartbeat was abnormal, necessitating an immediate C-section.

After the surgery, Ms. Sugu did not get to see her newborn right away, as Elijah was taken to another room. She recalls seeing other mothers with their babies and longing for the same experience. “When I asked for my son, they told me the doctor needed to speak with me, which worried me,” she stated.

Eventually, after persistent inquiries, doctors informed her that Elijah had a swollen stomach and would need to be admitted to the NICU for further evaluation. The sight of her fragile baby with numerous needles left her devastated. A few days later, they received the unexpected news that Elijah had been diagnosed with neuroblastoma.

“The diagnosis was incredibly hard to accept. The doctors explained that there was a tumor near his kidney and that his liver was enlarged,” Ms. Sugu recalled. The mention of “cancer” shocked them, bringing thoughts of life and death into focus. They realized they had little understanding of cancer’s implications.

Fortunately, they discovered the support organization WOWS Kids Fiji, which helped them transition from denial to acceptance. “They provided assistance with medication, transportation, and emotional support,” Ms. Sugu expressed. “We are grateful for all the help from our family and loved ones too.”

At just one month old, Elijah began his first round of chemotherapy, leading to surgery to remove the tumor shortly afterward. Ms. Sugu reflected on the day with fondness, recalling how her family prayed for divine intervention. Upon arriving at the hospital, doctors delivered miraculous news: the tumor was no longer present, and Elijah’s body had returned to normal.

That moment filled their family with joy, gratitude, and faith. “It was pure happiness and a testament to God’s faithfulness. Our faith was tested, and we were rewarded abundantly,” she said.

Today, her three-year-old son is one of the youngest cancer survivors in the country, full of life and energy. “It’s a blessing that he made it through. He’s strong, and that defines Elijah’s character,” she added, noting the family’s protective nature towards him post-diagnosis.

Ms. Sugu believes their journey serves as a valuable lesson for other parents about the importance of faith and early detection of health issues. “If your child is unwell, please take them to the hospital and do not keep them at home. Ensure they receive proper medical care.”

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