Election Glitch Report: Patience is Key!

There is currently no update regarding the release of the 2022 election glitch report to the public. Barbara Malimali, chair of the Electoral Commission, has encouraged the public to allow the “democratic process to unfold.” She emphasized that changes take time and while many expect immediate results, the nature of democracy requires patience and collaboration.

Malimali stated, “We must navigate this together, working with all parties involved. Progress takes time, but all stakeholders are engaged, and we will reach our goals.” She requested the people of Fiji to be patient while the Commission collaborates with the Government and the elections office to address the necessary tasks.

She highlighted that ensuring transparent and inclusive elections is a priority, which involves completing investigations into the glitch. Malimali noted, “The process requires time as the Electoral Commission is not handling it alone; we are working alongside others.” She asked for understanding as they finalize the hearings and audits related to the glitch.

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