Education Minister Advocates Unity in Schools During Inspiring Visit

Students at Naroi District School and Yasayasa Moala College in Lau expressed their joy during a recent visit by Education Minister Aseri Radrodro and other government officials. This visit provided an opportunity for students, teachers, parents, and community members to engage with the minister.

A traditional welcome was organized for the minister and the visiting officials, which included cultural meke performances by the students. In his speech, Minister Radrodro underscored the value of collaboration in the educational sector.

He emphasized the importance of collective efforts from parents, teachers, government, and the community to ensure the best support for children. Radrodro stated that by working together, they could empower future generations and enhance opportunities for the students of Moala.

He urged for unity and a shared commitment to guaranteeing that every child receives the education they rightfully deserve. This visit was part of a wider tour by government officials throughout the Lau Group last week.

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