Most of the contestants participating in the week-long Northern Duavata Crime Prevention Carnival will focus on advocating against drug use, according to the carnival committee president, Satish Kumar.
Speaking at the carnival’s launch, Mr. Kumar emphasized the potential loss of loved ones due to insufficient awareness about the dangers of drugs.
“Recently, a doctor at St Giles Hospital shared with me that an increasing number of people are being admitted to the rehabilitation hospital due to drug abuse,” he said.
Mr. Kumar stressed that raising awareness about illicit drugs is a collective responsibility and not solely that of the police.
“It is the duty of the community, guardians, parents, and children to raise awareness,” he said.
He urged everyone to confront the drug issue, describing it as a scourge affecting society.
“Throughout the week-long carnival, key messages about the fight against drugs will be delivered by the contestants,” he added.
Seven queen contestants will compete for the Miss Duavata Northern Crime Prevention title from this Friday through the following Saturday at Subrail Park in Labasa.
In addition, there are three kings, six princesses, and five teens competing for titles in their respective categories.