A farming community consisting of 23 households is experiencing severe water shortages, as their main water source has dried up following four months of persistent drought. The area, which is typically known for its agricultural output, has not received any significant rainfall since early April.
Local resident Feeroz Ali expressed that the extended dry period has significantly depleted their water supplies, creating an urgent situation for the families in the community. “We rely on the river for irrigation and our daily activities,” Mr. Ali stated. He pointed out that these water issues have been ongoing, yet authorities have failed to take any meaningful action to resolve them.
“Without rain or water, we are facing the potential loss of our crops,” he warned. In a conversation regarding the challenges posed by the drought, he emphasized the need for improved water infrastructure in the region. “Water is crucial for our daily livelihoods. Lacking it is a violation of our rights,” he added.
Mr. Ali indicated that their community only receives approximately 2,000 liters of water every two weeks, which is insufficient for the household’s needs, especially given there are at least 11 individuals living in his home. “We heavily depend on water for bathing, washing, and cooking,” he explained.
Efforts to obtain comments from Commissioner Northern Uraia Rainima have not been successful.