Discover the Mystery Behind Fiji’s Enigmatic Elephant Houses

What exactly is an elephant house? Is it an igloo or a dome? Can it be lived in? These are some of the most frequent questions people ask when they encounter an elephant house for the first time.

With their curved yet sturdy walls, tall ceilings, and arched windows, these unique structures evoke a sense of nostalgia, making visitors feel as though they have stepped back in time. While some may find these buildings slightly eerie, a few of them are still standing today.

Two years ago, The Sunday Times highlighted one such house located in Raiwaqa, reportedly constructed in the early 1950s. Recently, a visit to Naililili Parish in Rewa revealed further details about the run-down remnants of similar elephant houses.

Iosevo Avimeleki Qionitoga, a resident of Waivou village in Rewa, has grown up with stories about these buildings. Known for sharing local history and folklore, he often plays host to tourists visiting Naililili. According to Iosevo, the platform of Naililili’s church committee, the elephant houses have been vacant for years.

He recalls that during his primary school days 30 years ago, these structures were largely empty, although they had once housed priests and bishops. “They were probably built by the Marist Brothers who served in Naililili and contributed to the education of local children,” he noted.

Iosevo mentioned that there are two elephant houses in Naililili. The larger of the two was home to the bishop, while the smaller was used by the priests. He added that once the brothers ceased their teaching, the sisters took over.

He shared insights into the architectural design, suggesting the shape was engineered to withstand severe weather conditions, including cyclones. “The first house had two levels, allowing for storage of fresh vegetables,” he recalled. “It included three bedrooms and a spacious living room. I was fortunate enough to have lived in the house with my wife and child for a few years, alongside a priest.”

The second elephant house is located nearby and is divided into sections for the priests, with an outdoor kitchen. “I believe the priests utilized the second house for rest, while they accessed the larger one for bathing and other amenities,” Iosevo explained.

While the exact construction date of these houses remains uncertain, Iosevo theorizes that they may have been built after the completion of the Naililili cathedral in 1905. Nearly 119 years later, the second elephant house continues to stand.

He noted that villagers have taken materials from the first house for renovations at the cathedral and other projects. Both the elephant houses and Naililili cathedral are constructed from vatuvuso, a type of coral rock coated in cement.

“There were also two other elephant houses in Rewa,” he added. “Though there have been talks of restoring or rebuilding these historical structures, such endeavors would require specific skills and materials, not to mention adequate funding.”

Iosevo emphasized the importance of educating villagers and visitors about the history of the area, as it contributes to personal identity and local heritage. He pointed out that one meaning of Naililili in i-Taukei translates to “a place where something is to be hung.”

Interestingly, it’s said that the first rugby ball was kicked in Naililili, Lomanikoro, Rewa. Iosevo takes pride in his heritage and folklore and hopes fellow villagers and their leaders will recognize the importance of sharing and learning about their history.

The Naililili cathedral, alongside the elephant houses, is situated in Rewa, a short five-minute boat ride from Nasali Landing on Wainibokasi Road.

Fr. Dermot Hurley is believed to have constructed several elephant houses in Raiwaqa starting in the 1950s. However, his bishop remarked that these structures lacked impressive shapes, likening them to “an upturned jam jar.” In response, Fr. Dermot commented, “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”

According to the Columban website, Fr. Dermot eventually concluded that the ctesiphon structures (elephant houses), known for their arched designs and dome roofs, were not the solution to Fiji’s housing challenges.

“It was found that savings were only about 10 percent compared to the total cost of a conventional house in urban areas when sewerage, plumbing, electricity, floors, partitions, and ceilings need to be incorporated,” the site stated. “Moreover, people favored traditional homes that offered better resale value. Nonetheless, what was initially perceived as a ‘failure’ led to deeper involvement in the community.”

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