Illustration of Dignity Facility honors unsung heroes

“Dignity Facility Provides Essential Support for Recycling Heroes”

Nearly a hundred Collection Pillars of Recycling (CPR) at the Maururu Dumpsite in Ba celebrated the official opening of the Dignity Facility, a portable washroom and break-room facility, yesterday.

This essential support structure is an initiative by the Pacific Recycling Foundation in partnership with GlobalGiving, R C Manubhai Group of Companies, and Ba Town Council.

The occasion was historic for CPR who, for decades, have tirelessly collected recyclables for their daily survival without access to essential amenities such as water, washrooms, and clean, dignified spaces for meals or rest.

These unsung heroes, including women, LGBTQI+ community members, and men from some of the most marginalized and vulnerable communities, endure immense stigma while playing a vital role in addressing the country’s waste crisis, extending the lifespan of the dumpsite, and reducing carbon emissions.

This initiative follows the successful launch of a similar facility at Vunato Dumpsite last year, marking PRF’s continued commitment to improving the working and living conditions of the CPR communities.

PRF Founder Amitesh Deo said that despite their critical contributions, CPR have long been underappreciated, unrecognized, and inadequately compensated.

He stressed that these workers deserve access to essential services, support from various stakeholders, including the government and municipalities, and recognition as essential workers with allowances and health benefits.

“This Dignity Facility in Ba represents more than just infrastructure; it symbolizes respect and recognition for the invaluable work these individuals do every day. Our goal is to provide them with the dignity they deserve and to inspire other stakeholders to join us in this mission,” said Deo.

GlobalGiving emphasized the importance of this project.

“Ford Philanthropy has been partnered with GlobalGiving for 13 years and together, they continue to empower communities through education, entrepreneurship, and essential services,” said Vice President of Global Community Programs and Partnerships Rachel Smith.

Deo also acknowledged support partners such as Rooster Chicken, Vivid Media, and RB Patel Group Limited for partnering with PRF for the event.

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