The search efforts are ongoing for a 5-year-old girl from Naituvatuvavatu village in Wainibuka, Tailevu, who went missing after being swept away by strong currents while crossing the Waisomi River. The incident occurred yesterday as she was making her way back from collecting edible lady fern with her 32-year-old aunt and seven other children.
Assistant Commissioner of Police Operations (ACPO) Livai Driu noted that the search was suspended last night due to darkness and adverse weather conditions but will resume today. In light of this tragic event, he emphasized the importance of parental vigilance, urging parents to be more responsible during the school break. He encouraged them to spend quality time with their children rather than participating in social gatherings.
The community is rallying together in hopes of finding the young girl safe, reflecting a spirit of unity and strength during this challenging time. With continued search efforts and increased awareness about child safety, there is hope that this young girl will be located and returned to her family.
This incident serves as a reminder of the critical role that parental supervision plays, especially during times when children may be engaging in activities near bodies of water.
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