It has been over three years since the heartbreaking disappearance of seven-year-old Chiraag Murthi from Taveuni Island, Vanua Levu. Chiraag, who faced challenges due to hearing and speech disabilities, went missing from his Qila home on November 12, 2021.
His father, Shyam Murthi, is calling on the Fiji Police Force to intensify their efforts in the investigation. Mr. Murthi has been actively seeking updates from the Taveuni Police Station, but he reports that officers often respond with discouragement, stating there have been no developments. He expressed frustration, claiming officers treat his inquiries with rudeness and a lack of empathy.
To address the issue, Mr. Murthi suggests police personnel should undergo training in anger management and customer service to better support grieving families. He believes that living on a remote island has contributed to a lack of oversight, leading to inadequate conduct from some officers.
As a father, Shyam feels the emotional weight as he navigates questions from his other two children and his wife, who still hold on to hope that Chiraag is alive. He emphasizes the vulnerability of their island, highlighting concerns regarding human trafficking and kidnapping due to lax security measures at jetties and export businesses.
Despite the challenges, Mr. Murthi remains resolute in his search for Chiraag and laments the possibility of spending another Christmas without him. Meanwhile, Superintendent of Police Eroni Soqosoqo, the Acting Divisional Police Commander for the North, reassured the community that the investigation remains active and open, indicating a commitment to finding answers.
This ongoing situation serves as a poignant reminder of the strength of familial bonds and the importance of community support in the pursuit of justice. The Murthi family’s perseverance in the face of despair highlights the need for continued attention and resources dedicated to such sensitive cases. The hope that Chiraag may still be found persists as the community rallies around Mr. Murthi and his family during this difficult time.
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