Dental Dilemmas: Fiji’s Membership Challenge Uncovered

The president of the Fiji Dental Association, Dr. Parikshath Naidu, has identified membership concerns as a significant challenge facing the organization. During a recent interview, he explained that the association encounters various issues depending on the category of its members.

Dr. Naidu emphasized that prioritizing the well-being of members is fundamental to the association’s mission. He noted that once dental practitioners join the association, it is responsible for managing aspects such as their professional licensing, salaries, and how they operate within the government framework. For private practitioners, the association also addresses issues related to taxation and product supply.

On a national level, the association is involved in policymaking and collaborates closely with the Ministry of Health, playing a crucial role in the Fiji Medical Dental Council. Dr. Naidu highlighted that the association maintains direct communication with both the Minister of Health and the permanent secretary to tackle legal issues and health-related emergencies.

Additionally, Dr. Naidu pointed out that oral health is a challenge on a global scale, reflecting both local and regional concerns.

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