Dental Decay Crisis: Shocking Findings on Taveuni Island

International dentists providing free dental services in Taveuni have discovered a troubling trend: schools positioned near shops and canteens report higher instances of dental decay compared to those located farther away.

A group of six dentists from New Zealand and Australia, organized by the Rotary Club of Taveuni, visited five schools on the island’s southern side. They expressed their dismay at the alarming state of dental health among both students and adults.

During their two-week project, the dental team treated 242 students and 50 adults, performing 45 extractions due to abscesses, 823 restorations, and completing 1,218 additional dental services for other patients.

Rotary volunteer and senior member Paul Purvis noted that this initiative was an extension of efforts from the previous year, with a focus on reaching many villages and settlements in southern Taveuni. He highlighted that the dental team had not visited this area in six years and were particularly taken aback by the decline in dental health since their last visit in 2018.

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