Demand for Immediate Drug Control Measures: A Call for Action

Independent Member of Parliament Ioane Naivalurua has emphasized the need for a vigorous and immediate response in the battle against drugs, rather than a bureaucratic approach.

During the debate on the 2024-2025 Budget, Naivalurua called for the creation of a Joint Select Committee for Parliamentary Oversight. This committee would review and assess the implementation and progress of the Coalition Government’s Counter Narcotics Strategy.

Naivalurua acknowledged the efforts of the Minister for Home Affairs and Immigration in establishing a Narcotics Bureau but highlighted that the current situation on the ground shows drugs are readily available on the streets. He questioned whether the government’s efforts are adequately addressing the crisis.

In his budget scrutiny, Naivalurua pointed out that much of the Counter Narcotics Strategy 2023 still requires funding in various ministries identified as stakeholders. He posed several critical questions regarding the strategy, asking whether it will effectively disrupt the flow and use of drugs, send a clear signal to drug syndicates, create a unified national stance against drug use, and restore safety and stability to Fiji.

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