Defining Fiji’s Military Role: A Path to Stability?

To achieve long-term political stability in Fiji, it is essential to clarify the appropriate role of the military, asserts Savenaca Narube, leader of Unity Fiji. Narube’s remarks came in response to comments made by Major General Ro Jone Kalouniwai, the commander of the Fiji Military Forces, regarding the military’s significant role.

Narube expressed appreciation for the commander’s willingness to share his views, acknowledging it as a commendable display of courage and transparency that has been lacking in the military in previous times. He highlighted that Kalouniwai had brought to light many critical issues that were not addressed by past military leaders.

Since the coup in 1987, Narube pointed out that the military has played a pivotal role in governing Fiji, shaping racial relations and impacting economic conditions. He emphasized that to restore both political stability and economic prosperity in Fiji, it is crucial to delineate a rightful role for the military.

Former Prime Minister Mahendra Chaudhry weighed in, arguing that while the military engages in peacekeeping missions abroad, it has eroded the trust of the Fijian people due to its involvement in the coups of 1987 and 2006, which toppled democratically elected governments. Chaudhry criticized the military’s inaction during the 2000 coup, which he felt implicitly supported racist factions involved.

Chaudhry noted that convincing the Indo-Fijian community of the military’s new role would be particularly challenging, as they were significantly affected by the coups. He remarked that many Indo-Fijians lost faith in Fiji, and the ongoing political instability exacerbates this sentiment.

He expressed his hopes for successful reconciliation efforts between the military and the Indo-Fijian community, while emphasizing the necessity of addressing complex historical issues to establish a constructive future role for the military.

Chaudhry also asserted that the military’s function in a flourishing democracy should be clearly defined, suggesting that Fiji could learn from other nations that have navigated similar transitions. He remains optimistic that a suitable role for the military can be established that benefits the populace, government, and military personnel alike.

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