Acting Commissioner of Police Juki Fong Chew addressed the ongoing issue of public trust in law enforcement during the closing ceremony of a four-week Corporals Qualifying Course. He highlighted that negative perceptions of the police, often fueled by the misconduct of a few individuals, do not reflect the integrity of the entire police force.
Mr. Chew emphasized the importance of personal accountability and urged new officers to approach their responsibilities with honesty and dedication. He stressed that they must not only accept their ranks but also embrace the associated duties. “It is essential to consider the consequences of breaking the law while serving the public,” he said, reminding officers that their actions can have profound implications on the trust of both the community and their own families.
He reaffirmed the commitment of the police organization to uphold its values and implored the participants to remember their role in reinforcing that trust. It is clear that fostering a culture of integrity within the police force is critical for public confidence.
In conclusion, Mr. Chew’s message offers a hopeful perspective on the future of policing, emphasizing the potential for positive change through personal responsibility and community trust. By focusing on integrity and accountability, the police force can work towards restoring faith in their mission and strengthen their relationship with the public.
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