Curiosity Sparks Success: Meet the Salusalu Trailblazer of Fiji

Curiosity and motivation have been the driving forces in the life of Tarusila Mei, a 40-year-old market vendor who has spent over a decade in this line of work. These principles have not only provided her with valuable life lessons but have also helped her discover a new talent.

Ms. Mei has spent her time acquiring skills to create one of Fiji’s cherished accessories, the salusalu. Her journey began in 2018 when she felt intrigued watching her friends craft colorful and artistic pieces. “I began my salusalu business around 2018,” she shared. “I would often sit quietly and watch other women making salusalu to sell. This not only sparked my curiosity but the women encouraged me, saying I could do it as well. They told me that all I needed was the desire, and that’s how my journey started. It can be time-consuming, but it’s an enjoyable experience.”

The turning point for her came when she made salusalu for her two children on their graduation day in 2018. The pride she felt as she saw them wearing the pieces she crafted with dedication added to the joy of the occasion. “My second daughter, who was in Class 7 at the time, won a progressive prize, while my other child, in Class 3, secured the top position in her class. This was a truly joyful and motivating moment for me, igniting my passion to create more.”

Since then, Ms. Mei has received incredible feedback from the community, and she feels a sense of duty to produce well-crafted designs that cater to her customers’ preferences. She effectively manages two successful businesses, driven by hard work and resilience, and also oversees a vegetable stall established by her mother-in-law years ago.

“My brother-in-law cultivates land in Narara, providing me with root crops and vegetables. Like any business, some days yield good results while others do not. If an item is out of stock, I usually purchase from middlemen.”

Her daily routine starts early, as she wakes up around 4 a.m. for her devotion before preparing her children’s lunches. In her downtime, Ms. Mei enjoys listening to gospel music. Looking ahead, she intends to expand her business in the next five years.

Her primary message to women pursuing success is to break free from societal gender barriers. “If you are willing, just do it,” she advises.

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