Illustration of Miss Cakaudrove Youth crown to have 59 pearls

Crowning Glory: Miss Cakaudrove Youth Pageant Shines This Friday

This Friday, the winner of the Miss Cakaudrove Youth pageant will be crowned at Narain Park in Savusavu, adorned with a beautiful crown crafted from 59 pearls. The event is part of the Cakaudrove Multi-Ethnic Youth and Sports Festival, coordinated by Aubrey Whippy, who announced that there are 14 contestants competing for both the Miss Cakaudrove Youth and Miss Charity titles.

These contestants hail from 12 different districts, with one representing Rabi Island and another from Kailoma. The festivities kick off today with a parade starting at the Savusavu Court House and culminating at Narain Park. The closing ceremony is scheduled for Friday at 3 pm, followed by the crowning ceremonies at 7 pm, which will be attended by the chief guest, Prime Minister Sitiveni Rabuka.

Mr. Whippy expressed gratitude towards J Hunter Pearls for creating the exquisite crown and Shane Bower for providing the Miss Charity crown. “The event promises to be a full day and night program spanning four days,” he noted. Furthermore, the funds raised during the festival will contribute to youth development initiatives in the Cakaudrove region. The event is free to attend, marking a significant achievement as it is the inaugural event organized by the Cakaudrove Youth Provincial Council.

This festival not only showcases the talent and beauty of the region’s youth but also serves as a platform for community engagement and development, making it a hopeful and positive gathering for all involved.

In summary, the Miss Cakaudrove Youth pageant represents a blend of cultural celebration and community development, highlighting the importance of youth involvement in the region.


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