Critical Issues Piling Up: Water, Health, and Rising Costs

Every year, concerns about the critical levels of water supply arise, yet after decades and significant financial investments, a solution remains elusive. Kemudou! WISE MUAVONO from Balawa, Lautoka, questions this ongoing issue.

Reflecting on the conflicts among humanity, Kelera Nawa Rika from Nanuya St, Lautoka, argues that the battles we face are rooted in a spiritual struggle between good and evil. She poses the provocative question of which side one supports in this eternal conflict.

The reopening of Ratu Sukuna Park in Suva, which cost $7 million, has been celebrated by government officials and the local community. However, questions arise about when Lautoka will celebrate the completion of its $12 million swimming pool as temperatures rise, according to Mesake Sivoinavatu from Saru Back Rd, Lautoka.

Recent headlines highlight a disturbing rise in HIV and drug-related cases. Rajnesh Ishwar Lingam from Nadawa, Nasinu, expresses concern that although awareness is being raised, more action is needed, especially as water shortages affect families.

Three weeks ago, Moses Fong from Suva raised the issue of needed road repairs at a key intersection, and while initial work was completed, new potholes are forming, indicating more work is needed.

Ajai Kumar from Nadi criticizes the Fiji Revenue and Customs Service (FRCS) for poor communication, suggesting that the lengthy wait times and automated responses discourage effective customer service.

Ronnie Chang from Martintar, Nadi, emphasizes the harsh reality of poverty as he observes many in his community resorting to eating raw instant noodles. He calls for increased support for those struggling to make ends meet.

Tahir Ali from Hamilton, New Zealand, urges caution on the roads, pointing to negligence and behavior as root causes of accidents, emphasizing the importance of safety for everyone.

Floyd Robinson from Micronesia raises concerns about the extended dry spells affecting vital water supplies and causing bushfires, questioning the threshold for recognizing a drought.

Edward Blakelock from Admiral Circle, Pacific Harbour, discusses the potential emergence of wage inflation in Fiji, contrasting it with years of wage stagnation.

Rakesh Chand Sharma from Nadi expresses his desire to be identified as Fijian, highlighting his sense of belonging in Fiji despite his Indian heritage and noting the importance of community ties.

Areki Dawai from Maharaj Place, Suva, points out that despite a High Court ruling halting construction on McGregor Rd, the project appears to be advancing unimpeded.

Rajend Naidu from Calgary, Canada, comments on a recent wage increase, expressing concern over its paltriness compared to the substantial raises for parliamentarians.

Malcolm and Olita Yaumalua from Harrison Lami voice the urgency of addressing the grievances of pensioners who have suffered under restrictive constitutional provisions.

Norman Yee from Martintar, Nadi, appeals to the government for assistance in securing outstanding pension payments from FNPF, urging action to resolve this pressing issue.

Finally, Dewan Chand from Namadi Heights, Suva, warns of the alarming rise in drug-related issues and HIV cases in Fiji, linking them to the increasing cost of living and therefore calling attention to the need for systemic intervention and support for struggling families.

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