Courtroom Chaos: Accused Man Explodes at Judge

Justice Dane Tuiqereqere faced verbal abuse from a man charged with robbery and serious assault during a court appearance in Suva on Tuesday. Tomasi Bose reacted with profanity after the judge suggested for the third time that he seek legal representation, which he had previously declined on two occasions. Following this incident, Bose was promptly removed from the courtroom.

Earlier in the proceedings, Bose alleged that correction officers had attacked him while he was in the remand center, claiming they also destroyed a production warrant issued by Justice Usaia Ratuvili. Bose expressed his desire to file a formal complaint against the officers, which Justice Tuiqereqere agreed to, ordering the officers escorting him to take him to the nearest police station to complete the complaint.

However, DPP prosecutor Zenith Zunaid noted that Bose’s allegations were not new, as he had brought them up previously without success. Zunaid suggested that there were other avenues to assist the defendant and opposed bail due to ongoing criminal matters.

Bose was in court to address pre-trial issues, with the main trial scheduled to begin from July 21 to August 1 next year. The case has been adjourned to September 10.

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