Court Awaits Itinerary from Former Minister Amid Controversy

Former Fisheries and Forestry Minister Kalaveti Ravu has not yet provided his travel itinerary to the court. Prosecutor Lavenia Ravuikadavu informed Suva Magistrate Jeremaia Savou during a court session last week. Ravuikadavu noted that the State did not oppose Mr. Ravu’s overseas travel, as he is among six parliamentarians scheduled to visit China from October 22 to October 31.

Magistrate Savou approved a variation of Mr. Ravu’s bail but stipulated that his passport would be returned and the departure order lifted only after the itinerary is submitted to the court registry.

In a related development, lawyer Joji Cakau has completed and submitted the proposed agreed facts for his client Tekata Toaisi, the ministry’s regional manager for the North. Cakau represented Mr. Ravu under the direction of attorney Lavi Rokoika.

Mr. Ravu faces accusations of obstructing a legitimate investigation into the suspected illegal trade of a prohibited species of beche-de-mer. Mr. Toaisi is charged with assisting Mr. Ravu in this endeavor between July and August of the previous year. Both men are currently on bail and are scheduled to appear in court again on January 7 of the upcoming year.

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