Coup Controversy Resurfaces in Fiji: Chaudhry’s Bold Stance

Fiji Labour Party leader Mahendra Chaudhry has stated that he has not forgiven George Speight for his role in the 2000 coup, which resulted in the ousting of Chaudhry’s government at gunpoint. When questioned about the possibility of accepting an apology from Speight, Chaudhry declined to provide further comments, simply stating that he had already addressed the question. However, he expressed hope that now that Speight is a free man, he would disclose the truth surrounding the coup.

In related news, Unity Fiji has welcomed Speight’s release from prison, but party leader Savenaca Narube cautioned the public against accepting the actions of other coup leaders. Narube criticized the fact that former prime ministers Sitiveni Rabuka and Voreqe Bainimarama have been rewarded with positions of power despite their roles in previous coups. He emphasized that all coups have unlawfully disrupted democratically elected governments.

Narube pointed out that Speight has served his time for his actions, unlike Rabuka and Bainimarama, who he believes have faced no consequences. He voiced concerns about the lasting impact of coups on Fiji’s society, noting that they have resulted in significant loss of life, increased corruption, and economic hardships. He asserted that if the coups had not occurred, Fiji’s economy would be much stronger today.

He estimated that each coup could have cost the country around $3 billion, not accounting for the human toll. Narube concluded by stressing the importance of preventing future coups to protect the nation’s future and ensure a better standard of living for the upcoming generations.

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