Corruption Concerns: Fiji’s New FICAC Commissioner Under Fire

Savenaca Narube, the leader of Unity Fiji and former governor of the Reserve Bank of Fiji, has raised significant concerns regarding the appointment of Barbara Malimali as the Commissioner of the Fiji Independent Commission Against Corruption (FICAC). He questioned the urgency of the appointment, emphasizing that the integrity of the process is far more valuable than the benefits of a hasty decision.

Narube pointed out that the trust and confidence in FICAC, which has been severely compromised since its establishment, hang in the balance and that it is worth taking the necessary time to ensure the right choice is made.

He posed several critical questions for the Judicial Services Commission (JSC), including whether due diligence was conducted on all candidates for the position, including Malimali. He further inquired if the JSC was aware that FICAC was investigating Malimali and why they chose to appoint her to lead the agency that was looking into her conduct.

Narube also questioned who the JSC consulted regarding Malimali’s case and highlighted a potential conflict of interest, noting that the Attorney-General served as one of her referees.

He stated that for the past 18 years, the country has been caught in a cycle of corruption and implored decision-makers in Fiji to recognize the high stakes involved. Narube expressed the public’s frustration with the integrity of their leaders and urged the JSC to demonstrate its commitment to integrity and make decisions that serve the best interests of the people.

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