Corruption Clouds Fiji Rugby: Senior Players Speak Out

The Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Tourism and Civil Aviation, Viliame Gavoka, expressed his dismay over recent corruption allegations made against the Fiji Rugby Union (FRU) by overseas players. In an interview with SUNsports, Gavoka, a former chairman of the FRU, discussed the challenges confronted by the board of directors and staff at Rugby House.

His comments followed a media interview with the Daily Mail by former Flying Fijians captain Waisea Nayacalevu, who mentioned plans to boycott last year’s Rugby World Cup quarter-final against England due to issues related to unpaid bonuses and corruption within the FRU. Nayacalevu was supported by prominent players, including Semi Radradra, Levani Botia, Meli Derenalagi, Jiuta Wainiqolo, and Albert Tuisue, who also called for the removal of interim trustees and staff members at the FRU.

Gavoka remarked, “Everyone involved in rugby is a very honourable person.” He emphasized the volunteer nature of rugby administration, highlighting that those involved often do not receive payment for their efforts. Gavoka expressed sadness over the allegations that the administration and board were responsible for the issues players were facing.

He explained the financial burden of rugby in Fiji, noting that the sport is predominantly played by the iTaukei community, which lacks resources. Despite these challenges, Gavoka emphasized the aspiration to compete against teams like England and France, while acknowledging the disparity with their resources.

The Deputy Prime Minister pointed out the ongoing financial difficulties faced by the FRU, stating, “Money is the perennial problem.” He noted the commitment of current leaders within the FRU, who contribute significantly to the sport without monetary compensation.

Gavoka urged respect for FRU leadership, including Peter Mazey, while acknowledging the limitations related to sponsorship opportunities due to Fiji’s small market size. He recognized the support from Fiji Water and Fiji Airways but reiterated that financial issues remain a reality for rugby in Fiji, describing the nation as a “poor country.”

He shared a poignant insight into the working conditions at the FRU, recalling how staff would come to work each Friday uncertain of their pay. Gavoka concluded by expressing his empathy for their situation, underscoring the harsh reality in which they operate.

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