Cooperatives on the Rise: A Tale of Growth and Empowerment

The number of registered cooperatives in Vanua Levu has risen to 148, according to the permanent secretary at the Ministry of Trade, Shaheen Ali.

Speaking at the International Day of Cooperatives at the Civic Centre in Labasa last week, Mr. Ali highlighted that these cooperatives are among the 628 active in Fiji.

“Cooperatives play an important role in our development, fostering sustainable growth, ensuring economic empowerment, and promoting social inclusion. We have seen many cooperatives evolve, establish themselves, and diversify,” said Mr. Ali.

He noted that the Covid-19 pandemic era saw a surge in the number of cooperatives as many individuals started their own businesses after losing their jobs.

“There are three million cooperatives around the world and one billion members, meaning one in eight people globally are cooperative members,” Mr. Ali stated.

He emphasized that cooperatives are not solely about business, but also have significant social objectives.

“They build communities, which is why the government supports them. They create livelihoods, ensuring that no one is left behind, particularly disadvantaged women and youth. By working together, they achieve common and collective goals. We have witnessed this in our communities and villages.”

Mr. Ali further stressed that the collective spirit is what drives the cooperative movement to innovate, grow, and thrive, even when faced with challenges.

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